Espinosa Publications

Conference Proceedings, Journals and Book Chapters:

At Princeton:

R. M. Espinosa Marzal, G. W. Scherer. Study of the pore clogging induced by salt crystallization in Indiana limestone, accepted for the Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, 2008 in Torun (Poland)

R. M. Espinosa Marzal, G.W. Scherer. Study of sodium sulfate salts crystallization in limestone, Env. Geo. DOI 10.1007/s00254-008-1441-7

Rosa M. Espinosa Marzal, Lutz Franke, Gernod Deckelmann. Predicting efflorescence and subflorescence of salts, Proceedings of Materials Research Society, Fall Meeting 2007.

R.M. Espinosa-Marzal and G.W. Scherer, “Crystallization Pressure Exerted by in-Pore Confined Crystals”, pp. 1013-1018 in Poromechanics IV, Proc. Fourth Biot Conf. on Poromechanics, New York, 2009. eds. H.I. Ling, A. Smyth, R. Betti (DEStech Publications, Lancaster, PA, 2009)

R.M. Espinosa-Marzal  & G. W. Scherer, “Mechanisms of damage by salt”, pp. 61-77 in Limestone in the Built Environment: Present-Day Challenges for the Preservation of the Past. B.J. Smith, M. Gomez-Heras, H.A. Viles & J. Cassar (eds), Special Publications 331 (Geological Society, London, 2010)

R.M. Espinosa-Marzal  & G. W. Scherer, “Advances in Understanding Damage by Salt Crystallization”, Accounts of Chemical Research 43 [6] (2010) 897-905
DOI: 10.1021/ar9002224

L. Pel, T. Saidov, R. Espinosa-Marzal, G. Scherer, “The formation of meta-stable sodium sulfate heptahydrate in porous materials as studied by NMR”,MEDACHS 10, eds. A.K. Ait-Mokhtar and D. Breysse (MEDACHS, La Rochelle, France, 2010) 47-54

E. Balboni, R.M. Espinosa-Marzal, E. Doehne, G.W. Scherer, “Can drying and re-wetting of magnesium sulfate salts lead to damage of stone?”, Env. Geo.

R.M. Espinosa-Marzal, A. Hamilton, M. McNall, K. Whitaker, and G.W. Scherer, “The chemomechanics of sodium sulfate crystallization in thenardite impregnated limestones during re-wetting”, J. Mater. Res. in press


R. Espinosa, L. Franke, G. Deckelmann. Damage due to phase changes of salts in porous materials, International Conference on Durability of HPC and Final Workshop of CONLIFE, Essen (2007), pp. 359, Aedificatio Publishers. 

L. Franke, J. Kiekbusch, R. Espinosa, C. Gunstmann. CESA AND ASTRA – two program systems for cement and salt chemistry and the prediction of corrosion processes in concrete, International Conference on Durability of HPC and Final Workshop of CONLIFE, Essen (2007), pp. 501, Aedificatio Publishers.

R. Espinosa, L. Franke. Prediction of water content in hardened cement paste and concrete at changing climatic conditions by means of the IBP-Method, International Conference on Durability of HPC and Final Workshop of CONLIFE, Essen (2007), pp. 515, Aedificatio Publishers.

Franke L., Espinosa R., Deckelmann G., Gunstmann C., Bandow D. AStra - Ein neues Berechnungswerkzeug zur Simulation des gekoppelten Wärme-, Feuchte- und Stofftransports einschließlich der Korrosionsprozesse in porösen Baustoffen. Bauphysik 3/2007, Nr. 607.

Espinosa R. M., Franke L., Deckelmann G. Phase changes of salts in porous materials, Construction and Building Materials, 22, 1758–1773, 2008

Espinosa R. M., Franke L., Deckelmann G. Experimental investigations and mathematical model for the mechanical stress due to the salt crystallization in porous materials. Construction and Building Materials, 2007, 22, 1350–1367, 2008

Espinosa R. M., Franke L.: Influence of the age and drying process on pore structure and sorption isotherms of hardened cement paste. Cement and Concrete Research 36 (2006) 1969–1984.

Espinosa R. M., Franke L.: Inkbottle Pore-Method: prediction of hygroscopic water content in hardened cement paste at variable climatic conditions. Cement and Concrete Research 36 (2006) 1954–1968

Franke L., Espinosa R., Deckelmann G.: Die zeitliche Abhängigkeit der Phasenumwandlung von salzen in kapillarporösen Baustoffen, Beitrag zum Feuchtetag 2004, DGfZP Berichtsband 91, Berlin 2004.

Franke L., Espinosa R. M.: Vorhersage des Feuchtegehalts von Betonbauteilen bei wechselnden Klimarandbedingungen, Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton – 42, Forschungskolloquium, 2003

Grunewald, J. Steiger, M., Espinosa, R.M., Kriegel, R.: Implementierung eines neuen Modells für den Salztransport in porösen Baustoffen, 11. Bauklimatisches Symposium – 11th Symposium for Building Physics, 2002

Künzel, H., Deckelmann, G., Espinosa R.M. et al. 6-01-01/D: Leitfaden Simulationsrechnung, WTA- 2002

Künzel, H., Deckelmann, G., Espinosa R.M. et al. 6-01-01/D: Simulation hygrothermischer Prozesse, WTA- 2002

Franke, L., Espinosa, R.M: Simulation nicht stationärer Stofftransport- und Korrosionsprozesse in mineralischen Materialien - ein neuer Forschungsschwerpunkt, Befestigungstechnik, Bewehrungstechnik und ... , ibidem-Verlag, 2002

Franke, L., Espinosa, R. M.: Sorptionsisothermen für Zementstein, 5. Int. Kolloquium Werkstoffwissenschaften und Bauinstandsetzen, Esslingen, Symp. Bericht Aedificatio Publishers, Freiburg, Band II, s.573, 1999

Franke, L.; Deckelmann, G.; Espinosa, R.-M., Stehr, H.: Schlagregenschutz und hygrisches Verhalten von Wärmedämmverbundsystemen mit Deckschichten aus baukeramischen Platten; Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, T 2841, 1998

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