
Dr. Lori Tunstall
Dept. Civil & Env. Eng.
Eng. Quad. E-226
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544 USA
Project: Frost damage in concrete
Research Interests
• Broad interests in materials science
• Understanding how fundamental processes (e.g. chemical interactions between surfactants and cementitious/pozzolanic materials) affect the frost protection of concrete
Lori has been a postdoctoral research associate in George Scherer’s Materials Research Group since June 2016. She received her Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Materials Science from Princeton University in May 2016. Her dissertation was entitled “A study of surfactant interaction in cement-based systems and the role of the surfactant in frost protection.” Lori decided to pursue a career in research because she loves problem solving.
• “Linking surfactant molecular structure to mortar frost protection”, L.E. Tunstall, G.W. Scherer, R.K. Prud’homme, pp. 191-200 in Int. RILEM Conf. Materials, Sys-tems and Structures in Civil Eng. on Frost Action in Concrete, Eds. Marianne Tange Hasholt, Katja Fridh and R. Doug Hooton (RILEM, Tech. Univ. Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, 2016) ISBN: 978-2-35158-182-7
• “Foam index measurements on mixes of Air entraining agents, super plasticizers and fly ash-cement-filler blends”, S. Jacobsen, H. Nordahl, H. Rasol, Ø. Lødemel, L.Tunstall & G.W.Scherer, pp. 61-70 in Int. RILEM Conf. Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Eng. on Frost Action in Concrete, Eds. Marianne Tange Hasholt, Katja Fridh and R. Doug Hooton (RILEM, Tech. Univ. Denmark, Lyngby, Den-mark, 2016) ISBN: 978-2-35158-182-7
• “Influence of fly ash on air entrainment”, L.E. Tunstall and G.W. Scherer, 8 p., paper C3-1 in Proc. Int. Cong. Durability of Concrete, Trondheim, Norway, June 18-21, 2012, Eds. Harald Justnes, Stefan Jacobsen, ISBN 978-82-8208-031-6
• “Predicting AEA dosage by Foam Index and adsorption on Fly Ash”, S. Jacobsen, M. Ollendorff, M. Geiker, L. Tunstall, and G.W. Scherer, pp. 103-120, Proc. Nor-dic Concrete Federation Workshop on Durability aspects of fly ash and slag in concrete, (Norw. Public Roads Adm. Oslo, 15-16 February 2012)
• “Studying AEA Interaction in Cement Systems Using Tensiometry”, L.E. Tun-stall, G.W. Scherer, and R.K. Prud’homme, Cem. Concr. Res. 92 (2017) 29–36